Cleanliness is important: Please throw garbage in the container.

Each of us can contribute to a clean environment. Please throw rubbish in the containers provided.

Cleanliness is important: Please throw garbage in the container.
- This notice highlights the importance of disposing of waste in the containers provided, as a fundamental contribution to the cleanliness and aesthetics of the place. By disposing of your waste correctly, you show respect for the environment and support efforts to protect the environment and hygiene. It is a simple act that has a positive impact on the well-being and quality of life of all.

Why this note

This note highlights the importance of cleanliness and encourages people to throw garbage in the containers provided. It promotes conscious behavior in garbage disposal and helps maintain order and cleanliness. By setting clear guidelines, it supports a positive environmental culture and shows commitment to the care of public spaces.


- This message highlights the importance of cleanliness and encourages people to throw rubbish in the bins provided. It promotes an awareness of individual responsibility and shows how everyone can contribute to improving the environment through simple actions.


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0.03 Perl: 5.036001
8811 / 801 / 2024-09-18