We educate customers about safe sex practices with sex toys.

We provide information about safe sex practices with sex toys. A remarkably interesting tip!

We educate customers about safe sex practices with sex toys.
The precise explanation

The "We inform customers about safe sexual practices with sex toys" sign in an erotic or sex shop is an important measure for customer education and safety. It helps to avoid misunderstandings and promotes the correct use of sex toys. The information covers aspects such as the correct cleaning and disinfection of the products to ensure hygiene and prevent infections. Instructions are also given on how to use the toys safely to avoid injuries and enable optimal use. It also highlights the importance of using condoms with certain toys to minimize the risk of sexually transmitted infections. The sign promotes an open and responsible attitude towards sexual practices and contributes to the health promotion of customers. It underlines the store's commitment to ensuring that customers are equipped with the necessary information to protect their sexual health and make their sexual pleasure safe.


>> Be careful, this combines pubertal creativity with acne!

>> Please don't freak out - this is the area for spontaneous confusion and unplanned tours.
>> Teachers here are the secret superheroes of everyday life – without capes, but with lots of coffee.
>> Attention! No juggling performances here please – unless you are a circus artist.
>> Attention: The photographer has a good eye for children's subjects.

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8701 / 791 / 2024-09-16